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  • Writer's pictureAlyssa DiTomasso

THIS Girl Scout cookie is already out of stock

It's Girl Scout Cookie Season and their newest cookie, Raspberry Rally, is already OUT OF STOCK

Weeks before spring we always get that little knock on the door asking if we want to buy some Girl Scout Cookies and the answer is always yes whether you're ordering Thin Mints, All Abouts, Tagalongs or what ever other delicious creation the Girl Scouts make in their top secret headquarters. Every year they are camped outside our favorite stores and restaurants, canvasing our neighborhoods and parks, destroying our health goals with their devilishly delicious cookies, but Girl Scouts are back and have done it again with a brand new cookie.

The Girls Scouts just released an exclusive cookie through their online ordering portal called the Raspberry Rally, which is a raspberry filled treat that is called the "sister cookie" to the Thin Mint. The online ordering portal is open now, but Raspberry Rally is no where to be found. Reports are claiming when attempting to buy the new Raspberry Rally customers are saying they are out, but to come back on March 4th.

A Recent report through ranked the existing cookies available to us and this new cookie did not score very high on the list. According to Thrill List Thin Mint enthusiasts will find the cookie disappointing, but they also ranked Tagalongs as the number one cookie instead of Thin Mints so we're sus of their judgement anyways.

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